コミカレ 奨学金

コミカレで奨学金を取る方法 小倉 颯太さんの場合





奨学金審査には評価のための具体的な指標がないため、何をどれだけ行えば奨学金を得られるのか、それは傾向から自分なりに読み解くしかありません。その傾向に役立つよう私が奨学金獲得のために行ってきた事を紹介します。わかりやすく行なったことの題目を羅列し、それから詳細を説明することにいたします。GPA4.0のキープ、いくつかの国際ボランティア、学校でのクラブ設立、Honors Society(Phai Theata Kappa)への積極的な参加、ビジネスの設立と施行、世界旅行など私が行った主な活動の一覧です。
まず大前提としてGPA4.0をキープすることは欠かせないでしょう。学校での生活では、課題の提出とテスト勉強のプライオリティを一番高くして過ごしていました。次に私は一年生の冬休みを利用してジャマイカへボランティアに行きました。その時の経験を元にエッセイを書いたので外せない要素です。さらに学校で模擬国連への参加を目的としたクラブをPresidentとして設立しました。これは私が将来的に国連で働きたいという目標を持っていることに起因しています。次にHonors Clubへの参加です。私が通う学校ではこのクラブから奨学金が出ます。このクラブでの活動は唯一、奨学金獲得へ直接アピールできる場です。奨学金の審査ではほとんどが自分のこれまでの活動をエッセイで表現し評価してもらう形式ですが、このクラブでは自分の活動が利益を与えることを証明できれば、その活動自体が奨学金獲得への大きな一歩となるのです。実際に私はこのクラブから1セメスターで1000ドルの奨学金をいただいています。私は一年生の時に日本でのビジネスを立ち上げ、リモートで約20名のスタッフと共にイベントを二回開催しました。売り上げが大きくでたわけではありませんがその経験は私が資本主義を理解する上で役に立ち、学校から一歩外に出た社会でも活躍できることを証明するものとなりました。最後に私は一時帰国の際に世界を一周して戻りました。その旅行では私のキャリアにとって大切な、国ごとの価値観を理解することができたと思います。それらをエッセイに書いたことで私は奨学金を得ましたが、これは単なる例に過ぎません。それぞれにとって、最も良い方法があるのです。再現性のある奨学金獲得の方法を紹介します。

ステップは4つです。1自分の将来的な目標を決める2それに向けて何をすべきかを考える3実行する4振り返る 著名人の内容のない自己啓発本に書いてありそうな手順ですが、これが私が考える奨学金への近道です。1番が最も重要です。あなたは海外の大学を卒業して何がしたいのか。何を得るために海外の大学へ入学したのか。それをまず自分自身に問い直してください。海外の大学へ入学するほどですが何かしらの動機があったことでしょう。それをあなたの原動力にしてください。最後に例を紹介するのでまずは自分で考えてみてください。一番の目標が見つかれば自分が何をすべきなのかを考える時です。これはなるべく細かく考えてください。ビジネスの設計を行うのと同じように、タイムスケジュールとタスクの一覧を合わせ、自分が何をするためにどんな時間の使い方をしていくべきなのかを綿密に計画するのです。この手順では自分の知識の範疇で考えても自分自身の能力やこれまでの実績を超えることはできません。同じ志を持つ人や自分が成し遂げたいことを行なってきた先人の知恵を借りるのです。よく聞いてよく調べることで、あなたはこれまでの自分を超えることができるはずです。次は簡単な手順です。計画を一つ一つ実行に移すのです。もちろんうまくいかなかったり、計画通りにいかないことがあるでしょう。その都度修正してください。努力し続けることが何よりも大切です。4番も大切な手順です。実行するだけでは奨学金は得られません。自分が各活動で何を得たのか。目的と結果をその度に検証して記録に残しておくべきです。これらを行うことで奨学金獲得の可能性を上げ、名門大学へ行ける確率も高くなるでしょう。




















模擬国連参加のためのクラブを設立、日本で資本主義理解のためにビジネスを始める。国際経験のために国際ボランティアを行う。奨学金のためにHonors Societyで活動する。





1. 私はより多くの人を幸せにできる人間になりたいと望んでいます。抽象的でありきたりな目標であることは承知しています。しかし同時にそれはこの目標の難しさを示しています。人の幸せには定義がないためです。私はそんな難しい望みを達成するために、学業とキャリアの視点で目標を立てています。学業ではTJCを卒業後、コロンビア大学に編入しPolitical Scienceを専攻しようと考えています。後々はより教育レベルの高い大学院へ進みPolitical Scienceの博士を取ります。それは国連の平和構築委員会に就職し、世界中の戦争をなくすという目標のためです。そのための小さな階段として自発的に学び知識を応用する力をつけること、模擬国連への参加、模擬国連への参加費用を稼ぐことが重要です。GPA4.0をキープすることは全ての前提条件です。特に私が選んだ研究分野の政治学は私を私の理想とする人間像へ大きく近づけます。政治学分野では、これまでどんな政治が行われ、どんな結果になったか、政治的要因によりどんな争いが起きたのか。などを学びます。私はそれらを理解することでより多くの視点で物事を考えることができるようになってきています。今後私はその能力を使って、現在の世界においての政治的問題を正確に察知しその問題の解決と予防に向けて適切な処置を講じることができるようになるでしょう。それは人を幸せにする人間になるために大いに役立ちます。私は、この知識をアウトプットする機会も用意しています。ニューヨークで開かれる世界規模の模擬国連に参加するためのクラブをpresidentとして立ち上げました。私はその活動を通じて例えばチームビルディングやリーダーシップなどの多くのことを学んでいます。また、ニューヨークでの大会に参加するためには約8000ドルが必要です。我々はその莫大な費用を我々自身で考えたビジネスで稼ぎます。その活動は我々が学校という守られた枠組みから出ても活躍できるということの証明になります。そしてそれは自分が人に価値を与えられる、つまり人を幸せにできる人間であるという自信になるでしょう。このように私はこれらを成し遂げる事でより多くの人を幸せにできると考えています。

I desire to become a person who can make people happier. This is an abstract and conventional goal. However, it shows the difficulty of this goal because happiness is undefined. To achieve such a difficult desire, I have set goals from an academic and career perspective. Academically, after graduating from TJC, I plan to transfer to Columbia University and major in Political Science. After that, I will go on to graduate school with a higher level of education and pursue a PhD in Political Science to work for the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, with the goal of eliminating wars around the world. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA is a prerequisite for all of this. My chosen field of study, Political Science, brings me much closer to my ideal person. In this major, I am learning what kind of politics has been done in the past, what kind of results have been achieved and what kind of conflicts have occurred due to political factors. By understanding them, I am becoming able to think about things from various perspectives. I will be able to accurately identify political problems in the world today by this ability and take appropriate measures to solve and prevent them. Moreover, I created an opportunity to express this knowledge. I established a club as president to participate in the global Model United Nations in New York. I am learning team building and leadership through that activity. We need $8000 to participate in this conversation in New York. We will earn this huge amount of money through our own business. It proves that we can be active outside the confines of our school. It will also give us confidence that we can provide value to others. I believe that by accomplishing these things, I can make people happier.





Establishing an event management company was one of the biggest challenges of my life. My goal was to create value for my customers and attract a total of 10,000 customers. My life goal is making people happier. To achieve this goal, I needed to understand the capitalism system in its essence and apply it in a practical and concrete way to bring happiness to people so I established a company. Running a company has taught me many values.

First, I realized the danger of acting without a plan. When the company was first established, I executed several events without adequate planning. Consequently, I experienced great losses and failures. From this failure, I learned that planning is essential to the success of anything and began to prioritize planning when trying something new.

Second, I learned the important value of team building. I had a member of my team who had extensive experience in event management, but she lacked the ability to work with others. Her individual performance was excellent, but her egotistical behavior was repugnant to the other team members and could lead to many losses in the future. When I was debating whether to invite her in the next event, I talked with my parents about it. Then, they told me that the most important thing in building a team is not the best person. It is someone who will work hard to achieve one direction the team is heading. After that consultation, I decided not to invite her to join the team. As a result, we suffered a temporary loss, but get a more cohesive team. This experience taught me the importance of acting with an eye to the future rather than seeking immediate profit.

These values learned through company management have thus helped me to achieve my goals.

3. ジャマイカで行ったホームレス救済の国際ボランティアは私を大きく成長させました。ジャマイカで、約1週間にわたってホームレスの方に食事を届けるというボランティアを行いました。私の母国語は日本語なので英語での作業は非常に大変でしたが自分のできることを自発的に探して必死に働きました。その活動の中で、私は精神病棟を訪れる機会がありました。その日まで私は精神病患者の方の気持ちを考える機会がありませんでした。いいえ、機会はあったのかもしれませんが、私はそのような病に苦しむ人がいるということから目を背けていたのです。この活動をきっかけに実際に精神病棟へ行く前に私は精神病に関する論文を読みました。その論文の結論は、精神病に罹るか罹らないかは心の強さに関係がないというものでした。精神に障害を抱える方の気持ちを理解するのは非常に難しいです。しかしながら、彼らはやむをえずそうなってしまったという事、もし自分たちも同じ環境にいたならば同じように病を被る可能性があったという事はこの論文からよく理解できました。それを読んだ私は彼らに同情するだけでなく、彼らの気持ちをできる限り理解する努力をして、自分に何ができるのか必死に考えました。結果的に私は彼らが生活に必要としていたサンダルや洗剤を寄付する事にしました。それを受け取った彼らは非常に喜んでくれました。それを見て私は、知識とは授けられた贈り物でそれを誰かの幸せに変えるのが知識ある者の使命なのだとわかりました。私はジャマイカの平均的な方々に比べると、学びという面でとても恵まれてきたと思います。私はこの活動を終えて、改めて恵まれた環境に感謝し、授かった知識という贈り物を誰かの幸せに変えて返せるように日々勉強を頑張ろうと決意しました。

My experience as an international volunteer for homeless relief in Jamaica was a great development for me. I fed meals to homeless people in Jamaica for about a week. My native language is Japanese, so it was very difficult to work in English, but I sought out what I could do and worked hard. During one of these activities, I visited a psychiatric ward. I had never had the opportunity to think about the feelings of psychotic patients. No, I may have had the opportunity, but I had turned my eyes away from the fact that there were people suffering from such illnesses. Before this activity led me to the psych ward, I read an article on psychosis. The conclusion of the article was that whether a person suffers from mental illness has nothing to do with the strength of the mind. It is very difficult to understand the feelings of the mentally challenged. However, I understood from the article that they had no choice and that if we had been in the same environment, we could have suffered from the same illness. After reading it, I tried to understand their feelings as much as I could and thought hard about what I could do to help. As a result, I decided to donate the sandals and detergents they needed for their daily lives. They were very happy to receive them. I realized that knowledge is a gift, and it is the mission of those who have knowledge to turn it into happiness for others. After this activity, I am once again grateful for the environment in which I was blessed, and I am determined to study hard every day so that I can return knowledge as a gift I was given by turning it into happiness for others.

4. 私は奨学金を受ける事でより多くの人が幸福になると考えています。それは私が奨学金を頂くことで、私は私がいただく奨学金以上の価値を学校やその他の人々に与えることができるという意味です。奨学金を頂かないとしても私が多くの人を幸せにしたいという気持ちは決して変わりません。しかしながら、私が奨学金をいただけた場合、そのお金は私に授けた金額の価値を遥かに上回る価値として返ってくる事を約束します。具体的に説明します。


I believe that my scholarship will make people happier. It means that I can give more value to the school and others than the scholarship I receive. If I did not receive a scholarship, it would not change the fact that I want to make people happier. However, if I do receive a scholarship, I promise that the money will be worth far more than the amount of money you give me.

I run the International Relations Club at TJC. In that activity we will attend a huge convention in New York. The all schools that participate in the competition are regarded as excellent schools worldwide. Being included in the competition makes more students enroll in the future. This means that if I received a $3,000 scholarship, I would receive more than $30,000 in value back. Furthermore, I promise to continue to contribute to this school after I graduate. College students who, like me, have participated in Model United Nations, received scholarships, and have been successful in many organizations have contributed greatly to the promotion of their home schools. My friend who graduated from a community college and is attending Stanford University as a transfer student is one such student. I asked her to ask her community college what impact she is having on her community college. The answer was that every time she does something, they cannot stop contacting her home community college to inquire about requesting information. I have chosen Columbia University as my transfer destination, and I will bring the same results as she did to TJC. I confess that I am not afraid to live on money if I try to live minimally. However, please understand that giving me a scholarship is an investment that will pay huge dividends in the future.

5. この1年、私の法人は大きな失敗に見舞われましたが、それは自分自身を成長させるためのきっかけとなりました。当初は、日本でも注目されている青少年国際交流のイベントを企画しました。しかし、私は限られた時間の中で、効果的なマーケティングを行うことができませんでした。しかし、私は限られた時間枠を甘く見ており、効果的なマーケティングスキルも持ち合わせていませんでした。イベントは散々な結果で、私は自分の会社の存続に疑問を抱くようになりました。





In the past year, my incorporated corporation experienced significant failures that led to personal growth. One venture involved organizing an event for international youth exchange in Japan. However, I underestimated the limited timeframe and lacked effective marketing skills, resulting in a poor response and doubts about my company's viability.

Managing the event remotely compounded the challenges, leading to minimal revenue and loss of employee trust. Determined to rebuild, I sought guidance from experienced managers and learned valuable lessons in marketing, PR, employee management, and accounting. Through perseverance, I eventually generated $5,000 in sales from the same event.

Reflecting on my shortcomings, I identified three key issues. Firstly, I relied on energy and enthusiasm rather than calm judgment, neglecting meticulous planning and execution. Secondly, I failed to consider the benefits to others when seeking assistance, disregarding reciprocity. Lastly, my unwavering faith in people's inherent goodness blinded me to their weaknesses, hindering effective management.

These experiences reshaped my perspective. I now understand the importance of balanced leadership, combining energy with rational decision-making. I recognize the need to consider mutual benefits and reciprocity when seeking support. Additionally, I appreciate the significance of managing both strengths and weaknesses within a team.

This journey taught me that failures can be transformative opportunities for growth. By embracing sincerity, determination, and a forward-looking mindset, setbacks pave the way to eventual success. Armed with these insights, I am better equipped to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape and build a stronger, more resilient company.


I am majoring in political science. It stems from my goal of making many people happy. In order to make many people happy, I would like to establish a world federation. This is a government that is far more powerful than the UN and has the interests of the entire world in mind. I question the UN's inability to enforce the rights of its permanent members and the fact that it is too slow to act. I believe that I need to work for the UN to see if they are really wrong. I want to build an organization within the UN that can reconfirm and correct these mistakes. I believe that this system can make more people happy. To make this organization better, I need to understand exactly what is wrong with the existing political system and the world. That is why I am majoring in political science. Furthermore, I am required to have a high level of language skills. Like Hermes, who has been solving problems caused by Zeus with the power of language, I should be able to mediate between prime ministers of countries with my high communication skills. For this reason, I left my native Japan and came to the United States. I am self-taught in Korean and French. Thus, my mission is to make more people happy through political science by accurately analyzing my own justice and what is required of me.


Phai Theata Kappaには素晴らしい志を持ったメンバーがたくさんいます。私はこれまでの活動で彼らから多くのことを学びました。私が日本人であるという皆さんに無い特徴と、その視点から得た多くの価値観と経験をもとに、私も同じように彼らに多くの良い影響を与えることができるということを証明します。その証明は私がPhai Theta Kappaの会員にふさわしいとを示してくれるでしょう。

私はホームレスの方へ食事や日用品を提供する事と農業の手伝いをする事のボランティアの為にジャマイカへ滞在した時、私は「知識は授かり物である」ということを知りました。現地の方々より私は多くの知識を持っていました。しかし、これは何かに優劣をつけたりするような要因ではありません。それは偶然にそのような状態であっただけなのです。 ほとんどの頭の良い人間は、他の人よりも努力したから今の自分があると考えています。努力と自信は成功の源ですが頭の良い人だけが利益を独占する世界は間違っています。この価値観において、これが資本主義や社会主義を否定するための考えではないことを確認させてください。私が述べたいのは、皆平等に環境が与えられているわけではなく、頭の良い人たちは運よく勉強ができる環境で育ち、運よく努力を続けることができたという事実です。知識ある者は授かったその環境と努力を他の人に還元するべきなのです。私が育った環境は世界中の多くの人よりも恵まれた環境でした。私はそれらに非常に感謝しています。そこで得られた知識を私は多くの人へ返したいのです。多くの人を幸せにする力が私にはあるので、私はそれをするべきです。これはPhai Theta Kappaにおいても同じことが言えるでしょう。私はこのジャマイカでの経験を機に多くの人に幸せを与えたいという一心で更に勉強をしてきました。そして次に紹介するような私が実際に海外の国へ足を運んで得た視点や経験を共有することは多くのPhai Theta Kappa会員に良い影響を与えるでしょう。


このように私が得た様々な視点はこれら自身を共有することでも多大なる利益を与えることができる。更に、これらを発展させて出すアイデアや意見は、私にしか作り出せない価値を生み出すことだろう。実際に私はこれらの経験を活かして、学校で模擬国連に参加するためのクラブを立ち上げた。その大会に参加するためには8000ドルが必要だったが、私は多くの経験で得た確かな言葉と行動力をもとにスポンサー企業からの支援を受けることに成功した。この過程は後のエッセイにて記述する。この事はPhai Theta KappaのFundrisingにも大いに活かせるだろう。このように実際にPhai Theta Kappaに活かせるような力を私は提供することができるのだ。加えて、このような活動が評価され、私はPhai Theta KappaのGlobal Leaders of Promise Scholarを受賞することができた。これはここまで述べてきたように、私がこれまで得てきた経験のすべてをPhai Theta Kappaが良い方向へ進むように還元していく責任であると私は捉えている。これらの事は私をPhai Theta Kappaの会員にふさわしいと示してくれる。

Essay of no more than 500 words on “How you think you fit the description of a well-rounded Phi Theta Kappa Member in your community.” Note: To have entries anonymous, it is asked to avoid use of unique individual identifiers in essays.

Phi Theta Kappa has many wonderful and like-minded members. I have learned a lot from them in my activities so far. I will prove to them that I can have as much of a positive impact on them as they have on me, based on the unique characteristics of being Japanese and the many values and experiences I have gained from that perspective. This will show them that I am worthy of being a member of Phi Theta Kappa.

I learned that "knowledge is a gift" when I went to Jamaica to volunteer my time by providing meals and daily necessities to the homeless and helping in the farming industry. I had more knowledge than the locals. But this is not a factor that makes anything superior or inferior. It just happened to be that way. Most smart people believe that they are where they are today because they worked harder than others. Hard work and confidence are the source of success, but a world in which only the smartest people have a monopoly on profits is wrong. In this value, let me make sure that this is not an idea to deny capitalism or socialism. What I am trying to state is the fact that we are not all given an equal environment, and that the smartest people were lucky enough to grow up in an environment where they could study and were lucky enough to continue to work hard. Those who are knowledgeable should give back to others the environment and effort that they were given. I grew up in an environment where I was more fortunate than most people in the world. I am very grateful for them. I want to give back the knowledge I gained there to as many people as possible. I have the power to make many people happy and I should do it. The same can be said for Phi Theta Kappa. My experience in Jamaica has made me study further with the sole intention of bringing happiness to many people. I am sure that many members of Phi Theta Kappa will be positively influenced by the perspectives and experiences that I have gained by visiting foreign countries, which I will introduce next.

Perhaps the most unique thing about me is that I am Japanese. While that alone is of course an advantage that can provide many creative perspectives, I needed to see who is in need and what I can do in the world to make many people happy. After my experience in Jamaica I decided to further my knowledge of the international community and visit the countries that interested me. I chose seven countries, taking into consideration my return journey from Japan to the United States. First I visited South Korea, a neighboring country that has many problems with my home country. What I gained from this country was the importance of analyzing issues from both a subjective and objective perspective. Japan and Korea are still unable to bridge the gap that was created by past wars. What we see in Japan is the history of the damage caused by the atomic bombings. On the other hand, what I saw when I went to Korea was the history of Japan's perpetration. What we cannot see in Japan, we can see more clearly when we go abroad. The issues between the two countries are complex, but I think it is important to consider them from both perspectives. In Thailand, where I next went, I saw tolerance toward LGBTQ people. In Japan, there is still no understanding of them at all. I myself felt closer to LGBTQ people when I came to the U.S., and my understanding was further deepened in Thailand. Fortunately, my LGBTQ friends are also very nice people, so I can accept them without any differences, but I can understand the confusion of those who meet them for the first time. At this point, I don't have an exact answer as to how I can tell these people to stop discrimination, but I have vowed to learn more so that fewer people will suffer the hurt of not being accepted for who they really are. In Cambodia, as soon as I entered the country I was asked to hire someone because I had no money. The next day I met a girl who wanted to get an education but could not. The former cab driver accompanied me until the next day, and I bought as much as I could of what the latter girl was selling. However, all I could give them was money to satisfy their one moment of need. The greatest relief for people in developing countries is education. I reaffirmed that I must study hard so that I can provide education the next time I visit Cambodia. In Vietnam, I visited the Vietnam War Museum. Most of the photos displayed there were black-and-white and colorless, which gave me the illusion that these were unrealistic incidents that occurred long ago, but when I think back, I realize that similar massacres and wars are still taking place today. In the fifth country, the UAE, I was able to learn from the example of regional development by seeing a modern city. In Turkey, I visited Constantinople, the strongest natural fortress in history. It is very important to study wars in order to stop them. In Japan, knowledge of these wars is taboo, so it is not possible to learn about them. These things would not be known if they were in the United States. Finally, I went down to Sweden. Sundays are often holidays in all countries, but in Sweden, there are really no stores open on Sundays. I was reminded that this is the culture of Scandinavia, a country with a high level of happiness. Even so, the GDP remains at a high level, and the country provides excellent childcare support and public facilities. The good points of this country were too numerous to mention, but the locals told me that it was not such a good place to live until a generation ago. This taught me that Scandinavia is not what it is because it is Scandinavia, but because any country can create such an ideal country.

The various perspectives I have gained can be of great benefit by sharing them with others. Furthermore, the ideas and opinions that I will develop will create value that only I can create. In fact, I have used these experiences to start a club at my school to participate in Model United Nations. I needed $8,000 to participate in the event, but with the solid words and actions I had gained from my many experiences, I succeeded in obtaining support from the sponsors. I will describe this process in a later essay. This will be a great help to Phi Theta Kappa's Fundraising. In this way, I am able to provide Phi Theta Kappa with a force that can actually be used. In addition, I was awarded Phi Theta Kappa's Global Leaders of Promise Scholar for these activities. I see this as my responsibility to give back to Phi Theta Kappa for the betterment of Phi Theta Kappa with all the experience I have gained as I have mentioned. These things make me a worthy member of Phi Theta Kappa.


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