テキサス州 留学の奨学金


UT Arlington

初めに、UT ArlingtonからUT Austin(東大より上のレベル*学部による)の大学院にいくことは可能である。しかも、大学院はTAというシステムがあり、学費が免除される。

US ranking

Tuition and Fees
In-State Undergraduate Traditional Plan


Out-of-State Undergraduate


International Undergraduate



•OUT Standing transfer (GPA 3.5 or more) $3000/year

•Phi Theta Kappa $1000/year
financial aid office へメンバー証明書送付。

•Autmatic Academic waiver (half of the tuition waived ) $10,000
UT Arlington にBusiness 先攻で滞在しています。

$18,174 - ($3,000 + $1,000 + $10,000) = $4,174 (年間 42万)

学内バイト 月$330 → 12ヶ月✖$320 = $3,960

$4,174 - $3,960 = $574 (年間 約0円)

•UTA Asia (Busines Department) $1500/year


さあ、続きましてはUT Austin 世界ランキングでなんと東大の上をいきます!(学部による)基本的にテキサス州は$1000の奨学金をもらっている生徒に対して、州内授業料でどの大学も受け入れてくれます!!ただ、それぞれの大学でその奨学金(waiver)の名前が違うので注意!ただし、どれも留学生、地元生関係なく、適応されます。なぜ言い切れるか!?理由は、僕が所属する大学の編入説明会で直接各大学のオフィサーに聞いたからです!しかも、再度になりますが、僕の知人(日本人)が2014年度の現時点でUT Arlington に滞在しており、ほとんどの費用を現地の学内バイトと奨学金でまかなっています。(前田健太氏)知る人ぞ知る、テキサス留学の最先端をいく人です!


□University of Texas Austin




Undergraduate Studies (学部)

Competitive Scholarship Waiver(州外授業料免除奨学金)
Who is eligible What is exempted Where to apply
A limited number of nonresident and international students who have received a competitive scholarship. The scholarship must be administered by a school-recognized scholarship committee Nonresident portion of tuition. The student is responsible for payment of resident tuition. Student's department (undergraduate or graduate student service office).

↑訳 誰がアプライ可能でどこにアプライすべきか

コンペティティブ奨学金を受けている州外学生と留学生を対象で数は限られている。奨学金は、学校側が認めている州外パートの授業料奨学金委員会によって統括されている。この奨学金を受けた生徒は、州内授業料のみを支払うことになる。学生課(学部&大学院 生徒生活課)


A non-resident student awarded a competitive university academic scholarship of at least $1,000 for the academic year or summer for which the student is enrolled may be eligible to pay in-state tuition regardless of the length of time the student has resided in Texas.
訳 テキサス出身でない生徒に対して、その生徒が最低でも$1000の奨学金をアカデミックyearでもらっているなら、その生徒の授業料は州内向けになる。

*ちなみに上記の情報は間違いありません。ウェブ上にも載っています(上記リンク参照)。さらに、僕が所属するテキサス州内の学校で編入先大学がこぞって集まり、編入についてのオリエンテーションをするイベントがあり、そこに参加し、直接UT Austin の職員に上記の州内学生授業料について聞きました。答えは、留学生でもYES。ただ、上記の通り、UT Austin から$1,000以上の奨学金をもらうことが条件になります。ただ、テキサス州内のコミカレでPhi Theta Kappa と Honors Program (2つとも僕のウェブで解説してあります)に所属していれば、UT Austin でも奨学金はかなり高確立でもらえると予想されます。実際、知り合いの韓国人の生徒(高校卒業後、コミカレ→UT Austin) は、UT Austinに州内授業料で通っていたそうです。

・GPA 3.25以上をオースティンで保つ


Phone Numbers
Main - (512) 475-6282
Fax - (512) 475-6296
Student-Specific Information
If you need more specific information or if you want to schedule an appointment with your assigned counselor, you can do so by calling the Telephone Information Center.


・Waiver for International Students Who Hold Visas Allowing for Domicile in the United States

Who is eligible What is exempted Where to apply
International students establishing domicile in Texas and meeting residency requirements. Nonresident portion of tuition. The student is responsible for payment of resident tuition. The University of Texas at Austin, Office of Admissions/GIAC, PO Box 7608, Austin TX 78713-7608;http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/residency

Phi Kappa Phi

・コミカレにおけるPhi Theta Kappa のようなもの。名前が少し違うので見つけるのに苦労しました!

・これもPhi Theta Kappa と同様にGPAを高く保ち、このFundation のオフィスに訪問し、招待してもらうように頼めば、メンバーになれると思われます。
Undergraduates are eligible in their junior year if they have completed at least 72 in residence hours at The University of Texas at Austin and are in the top 7.5% of their college or school. Students are eligible in their senior year if they have completed at least 90 in residence hours at The University of Texas at Austin and are in the top 10% of their college or school. All students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5.



ConocoPhillips SPIRIT Scholars

Enrolled as a full-time student (minimum 12 hours/semester or 9 hours/semester for graduate students).(学期ごとに12時間以上の単位を履修)
Committed to majoring in any of the following disciplines: business administration, engineering, computer sciences, and geosciences.(専門が以下のいずれかである:ビジネスアドミニストレーション、エンジニアリング、コンピューターサイエンス、ジオサイエンス)
Cumulative college retention GPA – 3.25/4.0 minimum (un-weighted).(GPAが3.25から4.0である)
Demonstrated leadership abilities and involvement in student and professional organizations.(リーダーシップがあり、professional organizationに従事している。)

Strong interest in a career in the energy industry.
Scholarship and financial support

Initial Scholarship Award is $5,000 or $2,500 per semester.(年間50万〜25万もらえる)

After completing one year in the program, there is a potential scholarship award increase of $1,000 following the completion of each successful internship (second, third, and fourth internship with ConocoPhillips).

- See more at: http://giving.utexas.edu/how-to-give/corporate-foundation-relations/conocophillips-spirit-scholars/#sthash.kDg0rp8P.dpuf



University of Texas at Tyler
Average Undergraduate Cost of Attendance
Fall and Spring Semesters

On-Campus Resident $7312
Off-Campus Resident $7312
At Home $7312
With Parents Non-Resident $18172
On-Campus Non-Resident $18172

Competitive Scholarship Waiver
To allow a public institution to grant a waiver of nonresident tuition charges to individuals who receive scholarships totaling at least $1,000 awarded by their institution in competition open both to residents and to nonresidents.
Requests for waiver of non-resident tuition must be completed prior to the census date each semester. The census dates for each semester are listed on the Registrar's Office Website.
Transfer Presidential Scholarship
Award Amount: $3,000

To qualify students must:

Be accepted for admission by May 1st.
Enroll for a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester (Fall and Spring) at UT Tyler.
Have a cumulative 3.3 GPA on all transfer course work.
Be an incoming transfer student who has completed 30+ hours from a 4 year institution or,

Be an incoming transfer student who has completed 45+ hours from a community college

Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,500 To qualify students must:

Be accepted for admissions by May 1st.
Enroll for a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester (Fall and Spring) at UT Tyler.
Have a cumulative 3.0 - 3.29 GPA on all transfer course work.
Be an incoming transfer student who has completed 30+ hours from a 4 year institution or,

Be an incoming transfer student who has completed 45+ hours from a community college


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-テキサス州, 留学の奨学金
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